Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

New Year's Resolutions:

This year, I will start my knitting blog. (Sweet! Done already!)

I will devote more time and energy to improving my craft, and sharing it with others.

I will learn to crochet if it kills me. And honestly? It might. Seriously. I almost strangled myself the last time. My poor mum had to extricate me. The yarn felted from my copious tears of sorrow and distress.

And, whilst speaking on the subject of things that just might kill me, I will complete my master's thesis in philosophy on Kant's theory of education. Yes, really.

I will develop my writing style outside of philosophy, my usual comfort zone. I will learn how to better communicate and teach through my writing.

Gratitude. I will show more of this. And give others reason to show more, too.

Current Knitting projects:

N.'s scarf is finished and lovely. Pictures soon.

Scarf design for Antonomous. Something rugged and manly. (For full effect, read in deep voice.) Man-knitting is hard.

"Twin Peaks" glove ideas. Intarsia may or may not be involved. Expect updates.

What's blue and gray and functional all over? A birthday gift for C-Man, that's what.

Also, Sooz. Sooz's birthday also approacheth. Something Red, Black, and just a little evil for the heavy metal queen.

Stags and Owls. And graph paper. For the making of stags and owls, of course.

KANT! (I wonder if knitting his face into a scarf would count towards my thesis? It would certainly be creepy!)

More later. Twin Peaks = now.