Chaos. Vertigo. A serious case of nerves.
These are things I have had for weeks.
Deep rumblings in life.
I am changing jobs --- back to truck dispatch for more cash, better hours, more consistent pay, and a chance to work with my family again. Excitement! My last Dynamic Day is the Twelfth of December. Also, l'anniversaire de Maman. Bon Anniversaire, Ma!
Things with the Cowboy look like they are coming to a sad, but probably necessary close.
The sweater of destiny is on hold. The Twin Peaks knitting projects are coming together nicely.
I'm moving out of the apartment, and back to Mum's house for mostly monetary and scholastic reasons.
Life is crazy. But hey. I have a spinning wheel named "Sgt. Hannah" and will be the recipient of a new tattoo shortly. Also? Piercings! Woo hoo!
In other news, I have been oscillating between being socially phobic, and desperately needing the company of others. This makes everyone around me angry and insane.
Mostly? I'm trying to do what's right. Sometimes, a girl really needs someone, anyone, to give her a damn break.