Danzig was awesome!
Also, I heard Winds of Plague for the first time, and I loved them. Then I hung around their Merch Booth like a groupie, talked at Jonny Plague for 15 minutes in a drunken rambly manner, and got my CD signed by all the members, and Kristen hugged me. Twice! And said I'm pretty. I swear I didn't hyperventilate. Much.
Now I have a headache from too much Jack Daniels and a lot of brutal music.
In other news, Corinne is back! Plus the general consensus in the apartment is that Obama has a genuine shot at winning the election! I might not have to flee the country. How rad would that be?!
Time to tidy up Philosophy HQ! Then, school work. Blech. Why couldn't schoolwork be more like (and by more like, I mean identical with) knitting?